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Opera Download For Mac Os

MacOpera download for mac os x 10.6.8Mac

So I'd like to find the install for the previous version that worked fine; the last rendition of opera 25 for mac. When I brows the download section for previous versions of Opera, it seems to only be the Presto versions that are available, nothing found since Opera is running on Blink.

  1. Opera GX is a special version of the Opera browser which, on top of Opera’s great features for privacy, security and efficiency, includes special features designed to complement gaming. Opera GX is available in early access for Windows and Mac. Linux development is in progress.
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Download Opera For Mac Os 10.6

Hi everyone,

Since the launch of Opera GX in June, we have been getting plenty of requests for a macOS version. We are very pleased to tell you that we have, in fact, been working on a macOS version for some time. It’s getting better every day and right now, we’d like to give some of you the opportunity to take it for a test drive.

Download Opera For Mac Os 10.6.8

Sign up now to be among the first to test Opera GX for macOS. The signup phase on opera.com/gx/mac ends November 19th. After it ends, you will receive the test build and the final stage of testing for our brand new gaming browser for macOS will begin.

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